
We have Grackles in our yard

it is now considered a pest by farmers because of its large numbers and fondness for grain. Which is probably why the name for a flock of these ...

The Role of Data Visualization in Your Business Decision Making

  Data Visualization Decision-makers are always under intense pressure. They often have to process tons of information over a short time to make these decisions. In many cases, the information comes ...

How to Improve Your Small Business Customer Support

  Customer Support When customers need help from your company, they expect more than just a friendly voice on the other end of the line. They want prompt service that does ...

How Do You Secure Your Business with Multi-Factor Authentication

  Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Most people expect to enter a username and password to access secure networks and accounts online. They also expect that password protection for sensitive data will stop ...

How You Can Use Technology to Enhance Customer Loyalty Programs

  Customer Loyalty How connected is your business? Have you gone so far as to implement the latest technology into your point of sale, marketing efforts, or customer loyalty programs? If ...

Zoom Now Offers End-to-End Encryption to Your Small Business

  Zoom Introduces Post-Quantum End-to-End Encryption The security features of Zoom are getting a big boost. Post-quantum end-to-end encryption (E2EE) is now available in Zoom Meetings. This new encryption standard will ...

How Can You Protect Your Small Business from Malvertising

  Malvertising Your business operates in a very different space to a few decades back. Before, everyone threw around ideas for cold calls and advertising gimmicks at in-person meetings. Today, business ...

How You Can Automate Routine Tasks Within Your Business With AI

  Artificial Intelligence (AI) The explosive growth of artificial intelligence has many business owners looking to leverage the technology. One of the best ways to maintain operational efficiency and support greater ...

How Video Conferencing Technology Is Renovating Business Meetings

  Video Conferencing Technology Your small business experience might include those popular business conferences, which, at one point, solely used computers and projectors ...

Wi-Fi 7 is Your Next Generation of Business Communication

  Wi-Fi 7 Wireless connectivity is on the cusp of a significant leap forward with the arrival of Wi-Fi 7. This new standard is better in many ways than Wi-Fi 6 ...


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