Implementing sales and marketing automation?

In order to be successful, it is important for businesses to have a good customer relationship management (CRM) system in place. However, many small companies make simple mistakes that get them in trouble. If you don’t keep your customer data clean and accurate, your business could be at risk.

Here are some common CRM mistakes

No implementation planning: It is important for businesses to plan and strategize ahead of implementing a CRM. CRM systems can help businesses achieve their goals and objectives if they define them clearly and analyze how they can be achieved. CRM will create problems rather than solve them without a proper plan. Get an outline from your CRM vendor on how to successfully implement the system to meet your goals.

Poor Reporting Interface: Your customer relationship management solution needs to be flexible enough to provide you with the types of reports needed to manage your customer base. Without a reporting interface and an intuitive way of generating, saving, and retrieving the reports you need, you’ll have to spend countless hours on admin tasks instead of concentrating on growing your company and servicing your customers.

Not knowing your CRMs limits: Generally, CRM solutions have customizable features. If you don’t fully understand what’s possible with your CRM solution, you could be setting up your business for disaster by attempting to integrate it. Closely examine your CRM solution’s features, limitations, and review them with your implementation team to head off disaster.

Ineffective Training: Many businesses make the mistake of thinking that once they have the CRM system, their employees will know how to use it. That is seldom the case. It’s important to provide employees with comprehensive training on using the CRM system and what information needs to be entered into it. Ensure you provide ongoing training and support to ensure that employees use the system effectively.

Cost of hardware/software much less than implementation: Most CRM mistakes are around the misunderstanding of the appropriate costing. By far - by FAR - the most expensive part of a new CRM system is preparing and implementing the system. Work with a systems integrator that is experienced and who melds well with your team. Most CRMs sadly are installed and not used, costing their customers a lot of money.

My perspective

Businesses should avoid common CRM mistakes when implementing a CRM system. To ensure a successful implementation, you need to plan ahead, develop a flexible reporting interface, and know the limits of your CRM solution. Investing in the right CRM solution will allow your company to grow more efficiently and reliably.


Don't be the client whose integrator
starts with a "show me the money".


By Denis Wilson

Cybersecurity Expert, Small Business Technology Consultant, Managed Services Provider, Managed IT Support

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I am also a published author and speaker on cloud computing, work-at-home, and cybersecurity. I work extensively with business and professional associations to provide free small business technology education programs.


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