Email Marketing

Small business advertising often looks much different than the marketing efforts of large corporations. Email marketing methods, in particular, will differ between businesses. When done right, they can help your brand expand your customer base. Learn how your small business can leverage email and digital marketing techniques to promote growth and sales. 


Tips for Launching an Email Campaign

Expand your digital marketing techniques with an email service that lets you send informative messages to your customers. You can start with a free trial to test each service provider's features and decide if it's the right choice for your business. 

Give your customers a reason to opt-in to email messaging across various channels, including:

  • Your website
  • Social media profiles
  • Purchase agreement pages

Tracking key metrics from your campaign will give you a sense of which messages garner more engagement. 


Why Email Marketing Matters

Effective email marketing is as important as project management, time management, and productivity apps for a small business. It is essential to your advertising efforts and provides the following benefits. 


You Reach a Wider Audience

Any customer who purchases a product or service from you will likely opt-in to receive your email updates. However, you can also reach prospective customers with compelling leads that convince them to subscribe to your emails. Anyone on your subscriber list can receive news and information about your company that they can distribute to others they know. 


You Build Customer Relationships

Don't center all of your email campaigns around selling products. Instead, show an interest in building relationships with your customers. Ways to do this include:

  • Sharing surveys asking for their feedback
  • Highlighting your social media activity
  • Personalizing the email to segmented groups


You Drive Sales

Targeted emails are a great way to turn one-time customers into repeat buyers. Make your email content compelling with special announcements (such as sales or exclusive discounts), and you'll increase your sales. 


How To Optimize Your Email Marketing Campaign

Not every email campaign will be effective. To increase your odds of success, you should take appropriate measures, such as optimizing your content for mobile devices. 

In an age when remote working and completing tasks on the go are common, most of your audience will read their emails on their phones. To capture your reader's attention, make sure your template is suitable for mobile devices.  

It's also crucial that you analyze your campaign data. Metrics like your open rate and click-through rate offer insight into how many subscribers view or engage with your message. 


Expand Your Small Business With Digital Marketing Techniques

Discover the difference that email marketing can have on your business performance. Contact our industry experts today for more information about this technology and how it can benefit your business. 



Additional Information

Mailchimp: What is Email Marketing?

Marigold: How To Get Started With Email Marketing & Make Money



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By Denis Wilson

Cybersecurity Expert, Small Business Technology Consultant, Managed Services Provider, Managed IT Support

Thanks for reading this post. I always take into mind that your time and attention are precious. And these posts need to be timely, to the point, and short. For more tips on thriving with small business technology, check out the other blog posts at DWPIA Blogs. You can also find me on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook

I am also a published author and speaker on cloud computing, work-from-anywhere, and cybersecurity. I work extensively with business and professional associations to provide small business technology education programs.

Contact me if you have any questions about the subject. I'd be happy to spend 15 minutes discussing it with you.